Scott Moyer & Amy Williamson
Scott Moyer and Amy Williamson share a common goal: to introduce Tai Chi for Health to as many interested participants as they can! Both Scott and Amy were trained as instructors in Tai Chi for Health in March of 2018 and have been working together since then to grow the program and bring the classes to many different sites throughout Blair County.
Scott and Amy became Blair Senior Services, Inc. employees after having very different career paths. “I was involved with human services, serving as a program director for a number of Blair County programs for about 30 years,” Scott shared. Previously an interior designer at an architectural firm, Amy is now a professional musician. To fill the need for additional instructors at the Blair Senior Services, they both took the opportunity to learn Tai Chi for Health, an evidence-based program created by Dr. Paul Lam.
Once trained, they began teaching classes in several of the senior centers. “Scott and Amy teach the classes together, which is really nice because that allows participants to see all of the moves no matter their position in the room,” said Angel Dandrea, Volunteer Program Supervisor. “Each one of them brings something different to the table which is great.”
Thinking that there were many more adults over age 60 who would enjoy and could benefit from Tai Chi classes in Blair County, Scott and Amy began taking the classes out into the community. “The response has been great!” noted Amy. “We’ve held classes at a variety of sites, including churches, YMCA’s, and a library.”
Classes are held once per week starting with the 8-week Beginning class,” explained Scott. “Then, if there’s enough interest among the participants, we offer our one-day Fall Prevention Workshop, followed by the 8-week Advanced class.” The series can be extended by adding the level three class, “Continuing Your Journey.”
Practicing together for that length of time, the class members become very comfortable with each other. “It makes a great atmosphere for learning, one that’s very positive, encouraging, and enjoyable,” said Amy. “By the time we hold the Fall Prevention Workshop in the succession of classes, we can engage in some really meaningful discussion because most everyone feels comfortable enough to talk about and share their experiences.”
Scott and Amy both feel that making these connections with the participants is the most rewarding part of being a Tai Chi for Health instructor for Blair Senior Services, Inc. “We’ve gotten to know so many wonderful people at each site,” Scott remarked. “It’s great to see them attending multiple classes and telling their friends and family about the benefits of Tai Chi. Agreeing, Amy said, “Many participants have shared with us how Tai Chi has positively influenced their lives. We are happy to be teaching this beneficial wellness exercise and look forward to bringing the classes to many more sites!”
For more information on our evidence-based classes, including Tai Chi for Health, Fall Prevention Workshops, and Living a Healthier Life With Chronic Conditions, a Self-Management Workshop, please contact (814) 946-1235 or toll-free (800) 245-3282, or visit www.blairsenior.org and Blair Senior Services, Inc.’s Facebook page for a full calendar of classes and events.