What is the Caregiver Support Program?
When an older adult is in need of assistance, it is often the people closest to them who are called upon to provide the majority of the care that is needed. Although it is often a very rewarding experience, the role of the caregiver can be physically, emotionally and financially taxing at times. The Caregiver Support Program may be able to help make the caregiver role easier.
The Caregiver Support Program is designed to provide financial reimbursement for consumable supplies and hired helpers to relieve the caregiver. The program also provides benefits counseling and caregiver education.
The person that is hired as a helper can be someone that is already known to the family, such as a neighbor, friend or church member. Many individuals are more receptive to receiving care if the helper is someone they know.
Individuals who are caring for older adults that require consistent monitoring and care may be eligible for the Caregiver Support Program.
Caregiver Program Support Financial Assistance
The Caregiver Support Program provides caregivers with supportive care management services and financial reimbursements for caregiving expenses. These benefits are available to those providing daily care to older adults or adults age 18-59 with chronic dementia or severe disabilities. Whenever caregivers independently obtain additional help or supplies for their loved one, they may be eligible to be reimbursed monthly for expenses. Some examples of care eligible for reimbursement include respite care, nutritional supplements, or incontinence supplies. Other benefits from the Caregiver Support Program include hired helpers, benefits counseling, and caregiver education.
When an older adult is in need of assistance, it is often the people closest to them who step forward to provide the majority of the necessary care. Although this experience is often rewarding, the role of caregiver can also be physically, emotionally and financially taxing. The Caregiver Support Program may be able to help make a caregiver’s experience easier by providing financial reimbursements, hired help, benefits counseling, and caregiver education.
The Caregiver Support Program provides monthly reimbursements of up to $600 as well as a one-time reimbursement of up to $5,000 to pay for equipment or home modifications not covered by insurance. Eligible caregivers do not have to live in the same household or be related to the care recipient, but they must provide or direct daily hands-on care for the recipient. In order to be eligible, the care recipient must be assessed as being functionally dependent, requiring sufficient assistance with at least one daily living activity.
Income restrictions apply. A care manager will conduct a financial screening, and reimbursements will be based on a sliding scale that considers the income of the entire household.
How do I begin?
To see if you qualify for the Caregiver Support Program, contact Blair Senior Services, Inc. at (814) 946-1235. One of our friendly Care Managers will speak with you and make arrangements to come to your home for the evaluation process.
The Blair Senior Services’ Care Manager will help guide you through the process by providing you with information about the Caregiver Support Program, including the benefits that are available and the options you may choose.