As a Foster Grandparent, you’re a role model, a mentor, and a friend. Foster grandparents serve through numerous local organizations, including faith-based groups, Head Starts, schools and other youth facilities.
Volunteers help children learn to read, provide one-on-one tutoring, and guide children at a critical time in their lives. Put simply, as a foster grandparent, you will provide comfort and love and help your foster grandchild achieve a brighter future.
FGP Volunteers:
- Must be willing to serve within Blair County
- Must be 55 years of age or older
- Must have income that does not exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
- Must commit to minimum assignment schedule of 5 service hours per week
- Must be willing to provide support service for the special needs of children
- Will be assigned to a community facility providing FGP services
FGP Volunteer Benefits:
- An opportunity to use your experience and skills
- The chance to learn something new every day
- Supplemental accident and liability insurance
- Tax-exempt stipend
- Ongoing training throughout the service year
- Holiday & Paid Time Off
- Annual fellowship and recognition events
- Transportation Assistance (certain restrictions may apply)
- Applicable benefits by volunteer station (varies)
Become a FGP volunteer today by contacting our FGP Coordinator:
Blair County FGP
1320 12th Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601
(814) 946-1235
(800) 245-3282
Foster Grandparent Program at Blair Senior Services, Inc.
Blair Senior Services, Inc.’s Foster Grandparent Program is one of the many unique programs the Agency offers. Being a Foster Grandparent to area children is rewarding and beneficial to the Foster Grandparent volunteer and the children they come to know very well. Foster Grandparents serve as surrogate grandparents for children whose extended family may live out-of-town or who do not have a relationship with their grandparents. If you would like to become a Foster Grandparent and make a positive difference in a child’s life, call (814) 946-1235.