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Lisa Moyer

Lisa Moyer

Lisa Moyer’s dedication and passion for her work as the Long Term Living Program Supervisor for Blair Senior Services, Inc. shows just in the number of years she has worked for the Agency.  Lisa started at Blair Senior Services, Inc. as a Care Manager in the Options Program 19 years ago and has worked her way up through the department in various supervisory roles into her current position.   

In her position, Lisa directly supervises the Options, Caregiver Support, Intake, Ombudsman, and Choices Programs. In this capacity, Lisa oversees staff, participates in various groups and committees, and does some administrative work.

What Lisa enjoys most about her job she states, “There are no two days that are the same.  We have a great team and they are all wonderful people.  I enjoy seeing how these programs are able to help the seniors in the Community. I know this from personal experience, seeing how the programs helped my grandmother and my family. I know the programs work and truly help consumers and their families.”

Lisa said that one of her favorite memories was a Secret Santa Christmas event for some consumers several years ago.  She says, “I was able to participate in giving a gift for a consumer.  I remember seeing how truly grateful she was for the gift she received almost to the point of tears.  It still brings me to tears knowing I made such an impact on someone.”

Lisa stated that the Ombudsman Program is always in need of volunteers to help with visiting the facilities.  “We very much appreciate our volunteers.  I encourage you to call if you feel you have skills and talents that you can contribute to this program.”  If you are interested in volunteering for this program, please call 814-296-6336.

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​Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Aging today announced that older adults who will soon be turning 65 and are not yet enrolled in Medicare can attend a free virtual event to learn about their healthcare coverage options when enrolling for Medicare.


The "Welcome to Medicare" event on June 23, open from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., will feature national presentations from the State Health Insurance Assistance Programs on Medicare eligibility, enrollment and coverage options. Representatives will be available to answer questions and assist older adults with information to enable them to make choices on Medicare coverage that best meets their needs and lowers their costs.


In Pennsylvania, this program is known as APPRISE. Throughout the national presentation, staff from APPRISE will host an exhibit for Pennsylvania and will respond to Medicare questions and provide information about the program. The Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly (CARIE) – Pennsylvania's Senior Medicare Patrol – also will join APPRISE to discuss Medicare fraud prevention.


"We encourage anyone who is turning 65 soon to join our Virtual Welcome to Medicare Fair. Pennsylvania's Medicare Counseling Program is here to help older adults learn about signing up and navigating the complexities of Medicare, avoiding late enrollment penalties, and preventing fraud," said Susan Neff, APPRISE director. "We also invite those who attend to visit the Pennsylvania-specific virtual exhibit at any time during the event. The APPRISE and CARIE staff look forward to chatting with seniors about their Medicare enrollment concerns."


Older adults can register for this event here


The APPRISE Program has nearly 800 trained counselors in the commonwealth who provide free, confidential, objective, and easy-to-understand information about original Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, prescription drug plans, and Medicare Supplement plans, and allows Medicare beneficiaries to compare plans and determine what best meets their needs and save them money.

To learn more about the APPRISE Program or becoming a volunteer, click here or call the APPRISE Helpline at 1-800-783-7067 .



Department Of Aging: June 23 Medicare Event Welcomes Future Beneficiaries With Information On Eligibility, Coverage Options